Before creating a robot that can perform anything we can think of, we must determine the      accessories we'll need and the steps to follow in its design.

The main parts of a robot are:

  • The NXT brick: it’s the brain of the robot, where we store programs designed in the computer.
  • Motors: provide movement such as grabbing objects, walking, dancing, etc.
  • Sensors: provide input from the robot’s surroundings. The sensors are able to detect the intensity of a light, different colors, sounds, distances, etc.
  • Cables: They connect motors and sensors to the NXT brick, (Remember!:  the robot’s brain)
  • Building pieces: they are the skeleton of the robot if we construct animals or humanoids. If we design machines we call it frame.


We’ll use an example to explain the steps in robot design:


Imagine we want to design a robot that automatically turns on a light switch when it’s getting dark in a room.

Firstly we must think carefully about the movements of the robot in order to design the mechanisms that will operate the switch. At the same time, we  must also think of the way the frame will be adjusted to the switch. Drawing several sketches will help us to find the best solution.

We’ll need a light sensor, which will tell the NXT brick that it’s getting dark. With that information the NXT operates a motor which will move the mechanisms to press the switch.
At this point we’ll design the program on the computer that will control all the actions of the robot.  

“Remember that robots never perform actions by themselves, only in science fiction movies robots think and act by themselves”

NXT-G programming software

Activity 1

a) Open the NXT kit box and identify the following parts:

·         The NXT brick
·         The cables
·         The ultrasonic, touch, color and sound sensors
·         The motors
·         The building pieces

b) According to the example1, explain the steps you’ll follow to design and construct a robot that can move in a room and avoid collisions against objects.